Self-organisation / counter-economic strategies

Self-organisation/counter-economic strategies is a collection of essays and different practical examples on the subject of self-organisation and counter economic strageties. The essays cover a wide cross-section of activity, from new approaches to intellectual property and the implications of the free/open source software movement, to political activism and the de facto self-organisation embodied in informal architecture and the so-called black economy – by Will Bradley, Anupam Chander & Madhavi Sunder, Bruno Comparato, Mika Hannula, Alfonso Hernandez, Susan Kelly, Lawrence Lessig, Marjetica Potra, Tere Vaden, plus interviews with Craig Baldwin (A.T.A. Gallery, Other Cinema), Brett Bloom (Temporary Services, Mess Hall), Sasha Constanza-Chock (Indymedia), Adrienne Lauby (Free Speech Radio News), and Nigel Parry (Electronic Intifada).
Graphic design by Rasmus Koch Studio.