In Our Dreams We Have A Plan

One's hopes and goals are as individual as can be, but the ability to imagine oneself in a bettered future is a common human denominator. Lived experiences are processed in our brains while asleep, synthesised into often nonsensical scenarios. Interpreted as omens, parallel realms or mere chemical processes, our dreams inspire us in waking life and are transmuted into reality.
We tend to equate the realisation of our dreams with economic growth. Be it the dreams of a home, an education or simply more possessions, we seem to be unable to escape this equation. However, devastating financial crises are reoccurring, as certain and forceful as high tide or solar eclipse. And the sum of our dream-chasing keeps piling up: What is left is the icons of these failed plans, and the radical and irreversible changes to our planet. What would be an improved future for one will become a disaster for all.
Our dreams and reality are reciprocally linked. But it seems as if this link is somehow corrupted, caught in a simultaneously productive and destructive loop. While it remains unclear whether we need to dream of better plans or execute these plans better, we need to somehow re-calibrate this relationship to change course.