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Kwassa Kwassa

Credits — Tuan Andrew Nguyen & SUPERFLEX, Kwassa Kwassa, 2015. 18:45 min. Still image. Commissioned by Beaufort Beyond Borders 2015 and Marrakech Biennale 6. Supported by Danish Art Council. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Tuan Andrew Nguyen & SUPERFLEX, Kwassa Kwassa, 2015. 18:45 min. Poster, design by Rasmus Koch Studio. Commissioned by Beaufort Beyond Borders 2015 and Marrakech Biennale 6. Supported by Danish Art Council. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Tuan Andrew Nguyen & SUPERFLEX, Kwassa Kwassa, 2015. 18:45 min. Still image. Commissioned by Beaufort Beyond Borders 2015 and Marrakech Biennale 6. Supported by Danish Art Council. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Tuan Andrew Nguyen & SUPERFLEX, Kwassa Kwassa, 2015. 18:45 min. Still image. Commissioned by Beaufort Beyond Borders 2015 and Marrakech Biennale 6. Supported by Danish Art Council. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Tuan Andrew Nguyen & SUPERFLEX, Kwassa Kwassa, 2015. 18:45 min. Still image. Commissioned by Beaufort Beyond Borders 2015 and Marrakech Biennale 6. Supported by Danish Art Council. Photo: SUPERFLEX