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Power Toilets

Credits — Power Toilet Death Masks, un-fired clay, 2024. The toilet is a copy of the ones found at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The restroom is a private space, accessible only to powerful people, in the headquarters of a global effort to curtail the effects of the climate crisis. SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilet Death Masks, un-fired clay, 2024. The toilet is a copy of the ones found at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The restroom is a private space, accessible only to powerful people, in the headquarters of a global effort to curtail the effects of the climate crisis. SUPERFLEX

Credits —
Power Toilet Death Masks, un-fired clay, 2024.
The toilet is a copy of the ones found at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The restroom is a private space, accessible only to powerful people, in the headquarters of a global effort to curtail the effects of the climate crisis.

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2018. Installed for The Artist is Present at Yuz Museum. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Gucci

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2018. Installed for The Artist is Present at Yuz Museum. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Gucci

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2018. Installed for The Artist is Present at Yuz Museum. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Gucci

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2018. Installed for The Artist is Present at Yuz Museum. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Gucci

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2018. Installed for The Artist is Present at Yuz Museum. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Gucci

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2012. Installed for public use inside the Restaurant Alaturka, Ghent for TRACK. Commissioned by S.M.A.K. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/UNESCO, 2013. Outside view. Commissioned and realised for Gwangju Folly II. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Nezy Aymo

Credits — Power Toilets/UNESCO, 2013. Commissioned and realised for Gwangju Folly II. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Nezy Aymo

Credits — Power Toilets/UNESCO, 2013. Commissioned and realised for Gwangju Folly II. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Nezy Aymo

Credits — Power Toilets/UNESCO, 2013. Commissioned and realised for Gwangju Folly II. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: Nezu Aymo

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2012. Installed for public use inside the Restaurant Alaturka, Ghent for TRACK. Commissioned by S.M.A.K. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2012. Installed for public use inside the Restaurant Alaturka, Ghent for TRACK. Commissioned by S.M.A.K. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2012. Outside view. Installed for public use inside the Restaurant Alaturka, Ghent for TRACK. Commissioned by S.M.A.K. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/Council of the European Union, 2012. Installed for public use inside the Restaurant Alaturka, Ghent for TRACK. Commissioned by S.M.A.K. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/JPMorgan Chase, 2011. Installed for public use inside the Olympic Restaurant, New York City for the exhibition Living as Form. Commissioned by Creative Time New York. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/JPMorgan Chase, 2011. Outside view. Installed for public use inside the Olympic Restaurant, New York City for the exhibition Living as Form. Commissioned by Creative Time New York. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/JPMorgan Chase, 2011. Outside view. Installed for public use inside the Olympic Restaurant, New York City for the exhibition Living as Form. Commissioned by Creative Time New York. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/JPMorgan Chase, 2011. Installed for public use inside the Olympic Restaurant, New York City for the exhibition Living as Form. Commissioned by Creative Time New York. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/JPMorgan Chase, 2011. Installed for public use inside the Olympic Restaurant, New York City for the exhibition Living as Form. Commissioned by Creative Time New York. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/JPMorgan Chase, 2011. Outside view. Installed for public use inside the Olympic Restaurant, New York City for the exhibition Living as Form. Commissioned by Creative Time New York. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/UN, 2010. Installed for public use at Park van Luna, Heerhugowaard. Commissioned by DRFTWD. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/UN, 2010. Installed for public use at Park van Luna, Heerhugowaard. Commissioned by DRFTWD. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: SUPERFLEX

Credits — Power Toilets/UN, 2010. Installed for public use at Park van Luna, Heerhugowaard. Commissioned by DRFTWD. Designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects. Photo: SUPERFLEX